Friday, October 5, 2007

The Sienna Miller Syndome, do you have it?

I just read an interesting article on something called the Sienna Miller Syndrome.

What is the Sienna Miller Syndrome?

Excellent question. The Sienna Miller Syndrome is when women become obsessive with designer handbags and continue to purchase these handbags until they have an "unhealthy" amount of handbags. We do this (as women) because we honestly believe that we need a handbag to go with each of our outfits, and what's more, we are unable to get rid of handbags that we don't really use just in case we might some use for it in the near future.

"When asked why women hoard so many handbags, nearly seven in ten said it's because "you never know what they'll go with". One in five said they are so fond of their handbags that sentimental value stops them throwing old ones away." (Daily Mail)

I've been asking a lot of people in North America lately their opinions on the concept of renting designer handbags and many have replied that they would rather purchase then rent their designer handbags. Perhaps the Sienna Miller Syndrome casts some light onto this discussion. Perhaps women would rather own their handbags merely out of concern that they may need a particular handbag again for a certain occasion or moment.

I wonder what Sienna Miller thinks about all of this added attention. What do you think? I'd love to hear it.

2 commentaires :

What's Haute said...

i think i've got the syndrome...

Ninja Mum said...

Replica purses
are a necessary accessory for women. It is used to store all kinds of stuffs including hair brushes, wallets, cell phones and etc. There are many types of handbags including size, styles, brand name, and color.