Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Devil may wear Prada, but I think it's pretty sexy...

I have to admit that sometimes I feel exactly like the lead character out of the bestselling book/movie "The Devil Wears Prada". If you've seen the movie or read the book, you'll see that the world of fashion is all encompassing and can quickly eat you alive... and yet we all stray to it like a bug heading for the bug zapper. Okay, it's probably not that dramatic, but you know...
the devil wears prada handbags
Designer trends can sometimes be above my head. Like the lead character from "The Devil Wears Prada", I may not always know exactly what is going on in the world of fashion and which designer trends are the best. I do, however, know that I don't have thousands of dollars to look my best. I'm a value shopper most of the time and I tend to leave designer trends to the celebrities who can afford them.

Recently I've been trying to promote this blog and spark some debate and discussion about designer handbags. I've panned through hundreds of photos of celebrities and their designer handbags, I've tried to follow designer trends, and I've asked a ton of people why they like designer handbags. I don't necessarily have all the answers about the wonders of this unique phenomenon, but I have come to some conclusions about why I'm beginning to obsess about designer handbags myself. prada handbags at their best

Here is my answer:

I like designer handbags because they're elusive. Designer trends (like handbags) represent this higher society lifestyle that has always intrigued me. I probably will never be the kind of person who rushes out to buy the latest and the greatest, but every now and then I want to show off and this is as good a way as any to look fabulous and feel a little priviledged.

It may be evil to wear a Prada handbag (at least on some level as it is the "Devil's choice designer handbag), but I happen to think they're pretty darned sexy... and maybe, sometimes I want to be a little devious.

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