I love Ikea.
Ikea is a shopping wonderland of all of the trendy home designs offered at affordable prices. You can even get a cheap Swedish lunch while you shop. And kids love the ball pit. The only downside of this Swedish Walmart for home owners is that if you go too crazy with Ikea items, then you run the risk of having the exact same things as everyone else. Maybe that's the point.

It is the same with designer handbags and replica designer handbags.
Whether or not we're willing to admit it, most of us enjoy conforming with the rest of society. We like having all the new, great things that everyone else has. Oddly enough, we don't like other people knowing that we feel this. We get a little red in the cheeks when people find out that we paid much less for something or that we have a replica or a knock off of a much more expensive item. Everyone loves to have the exclusive designer handbag because it makes them feel at the top of the social hierarchy.
I think personally I like the sense of satisfaction knowing that other people think I paid a lot of money for my fabulous designer handbag while knowing that I actually didn't. Replica designer handbags, on average, offer a similar quality to designer handbags, but at a fraction of the cost. While it would be great if everyone could afford to buy exactly what they like, it is refreshing to know that there are other options for the rest of us.
Ikea will always remain a popular chain namely because of its ability to offer decent quality products for less than the expensive, brand name counterparts. Replica designer handbags follow suit. As long as there remains a need for designer handbags, replica designer handbags will also coexist.
What do you think about replica designer handbags? Would you rather pay more for the original? Leave me a comment below.
Ikea is a shopping wonderland of all of the trendy home designs offered at affordable prices. You can even get a cheap Swedish lunch while you shop. And kids love the ball pit. The only downside of this Swedish Walmart for home owners is that if you go too crazy with Ikea items, then you run the risk of having the exact same things as everyone else. Maybe that's the point.

It is the same with designer handbags and replica designer handbags.
Whether or not we're willing to admit it, most of us enjoy conforming with the rest of society. We like having all the new, great things that everyone else has. Oddly enough, we don't like other people knowing that we feel this. We get a little red in the cheeks when people find out that we paid much less for something or that we have a replica or a knock off of a much more expensive item. Everyone loves to have the exclusive designer handbag because it makes them feel at the top of the social hierarchy.
I think personally I like the sense of satisfaction knowing that other people think I paid a lot of money for my fabulous designer handbag while knowing that I actually didn't. Replica designer handbags, on average, offer a similar quality to designer handbags, but at a fraction of the cost. While it would be great if everyone could afford to buy exactly what they like, it is refreshing to know that there are other options for the rest of us.
Ikea will always remain a popular chain namely because of its ability to offer decent quality products for less than the expensive, brand name counterparts. Replica designer handbags follow suit. As long as there remains a need for designer handbags, replica designer handbags will also coexist.
What do you think about replica designer handbags? Would you rather pay more for the original? Leave me a comment below.
4 commentaires :
Wow good blog:), I'm also very interested to have designer hand bags. I want to buy new designer handbag on this Christmas. So i went through http://www.malibuvogue.com for online shopping. Now i need some more suggestions. Please help.
I really enjoy reading your blog!
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are a necessary accessory for women. It is used to store all kinds of stuffs including hair brushes, wallets, cell phones and etc. There are many types of handbags including size, styles, brand name, and color.
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